I've now officially left Pgh behind... :(
NYC was tons of fun, as it always is with my old cadre. Got to finally visit the MoMA and wander around Manhattan, read in Central Park, all of the quintessential (i.e. cliche) NYC things.
My last night in Pgh was also a good time, thanks to all those who came out to help celebrate (and the grilled cheese). But this morning (well, afternoon) I was off to begin my big road trip. First destination: Louisville, Kentucky, 400 miles away. The drive was decent, I was kept company by NPR most of the way, until I hit tornado-style rain and winds along the Ohio/Kentucky border. That was buckets of fun.
So now I'm all cozy in Louisville at my first ever couchsurfing house, watching the Pens game and already thinking of sleep. Pics to follow.
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