jueves, 17 de mayo de 2007

I have arrived

I am in Cochabamba, Bolivia, in an area of the city called Cala Cala (North of downtown). From my window I can see the mountains, and from the kitchen I can see the statue of Cristo lit up in blue at night. It is a bit noisy around here, but it's only about a 10 minute bus or taxi-trufi ride to downtown.

So far I have slept a lot and had some good meals. Yesterday I ventured out with Meghan, the national director for Environment (medio ambiente) Las Americas, who showed me around a bit, and bought some food. Today I went to the local garbage dump with Erica, one of the other volunteers here. She is working on a project concerning the living and working conditions for the community that both lives and works in and on the dump. These people eek out a living by sorting through the massive garbage pile for recyclable materials to sell back to various companies. One woman that we talked to said that she made 300 bolivianos (a little over 30 USD) in several months of work there. I wasn't able to take any pictures, as it is forbidden there.

More to come as I start to get a feel for the city... Tomorrow there is supposed to be a paro (a blockade) in the city, which, depending on the size and length of it, could make travel and buying food hard for the next few days. We'll see!

Hasta luego

For those (Mom and Grandma) who want to send letters, my address is:

Nerissa Lindenfelser
c/o Medioambiente Bolivia
Joel Camacho No. 2340
Cala Cala
Cochabamba, Bolivia

Please make sure any packages (if there are any) are under 2 pounds, otherwise there is some outrageous pick-up fee for me ($15 or something like that).

I'll be using Skype to be in touch with most people (username: nerissal).

7 comentarios:

  1. Best wishes for a safe and fulfilling trip!

    I'll bookmark your blog and be watching for all of your action packed adventures in Bolivia.

  2. Can't wait to keep track of you, thank you for letting us know about your blog.

    Have fun!

  3. And here I was just about going to ask you how it's going in Pittsburgh these days.... I'll just assume you left at night with a knapsack on the back of a train to avoid suspicion of your sudden eagerness to hug those around you. Have a good time!! What's your purpose there, not tracking down those who ganked your gear in C.Rica I hope?

    Good Luck!

  4. Nerissa,

    Glad you made it safely!! What an adventure! Be safe and have fun my friend! Things here are good-Jenny's home from school and I'm off to Seattle, Victoria B.C. and the San Juan Islands with me Mumsie next month! I'll take lots of pictures and put them online for everyone.

    Love and blessings,

    Amy =)

  5. Hey Nerissa!
    What an adventure! And what a great idea... I might have to do the same once I leave.
    I hope you're well and enjoying yourself...
    We should totally all get together when we get back and have a couple slide shows... I'm really interested in what all of us are doing this summer for our internships...
    Have a blast!!

  6. Hola, Nerissa! So glad you're well and already having adventures(?) at the garbage dump! Although you're under the watchful eye of Cristo, you still may want to invest in some sort of breathing mask.=)

    Take care, my dear. Hasta luego!

    Con Amor,
    Tia Elise

  7. So whats Bolivia? isn't that in Russia


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