I got a job without even trying today. Don't get too excited, it's only a part time, temporary, sporadic gig. But it's
paid. I volunteered to help out at the Berkeley farmer's market and was put in touch with a vendor whose strawberries are famous city-wide. He needed help, so I showed up today. I sold a ton of strawberries and other assorted organic, local produce (mostly tomatoes, eggplant, cucumbers, melons, etc). I helped break down the stand at the end of the day. And then, an unexpected but wholly welcome thing happened: the vendor paid me for my time. And all the while I thought I was volunteering! Plus, he asked me to come back next week, and perhaps a few extra days a week thrown in if need be. So, it's not a career path, it's not even going to be enough to pay the rent. But I haven't been paid to do anything since May, people.
May. So I feel pretty good today (patting myself on the back).
Oh, and did I mention the perks of the job? They include: being outside all day; chatting with lovely/weird/nice people all day; strawberries galore; greens with edible flowers tossed in from the vendor next door; vegan cookies from another vendor; itty bitty cherry tomatoes; and plumpricots (I don't know if that's what they're called, but they're a mix of plums and apricots. Apriplums?) from yet another vendor.

(Photos taken in the very low light of my IKEA lamp on my desk at night. It's artistic/blurry.)
(I also just noticed my looming hand in the cookie pic. Apparently I couldn't even wait long enough to press the shutter before reaching for one.)
One last note: welcome home, Mom (tomorrow)!