sábado, 27 de septiembre de 2008

More food

'Cause I love talking about/eating/looking at/and now selling food.

Another day selling at the farmer's market, and today I helped set up the stand. Early morning sun + colorful food = Nerissa taking pictures. I can't help it, it's irresistible.

Oh, and they're called pluats, not plumpricots. Although I think "plumpricot" is much more descriptive. I got more today, yay.

Some type of heirloom tomato that I haven't memorized yet (there are over 50 types, I need time.)

LOTS of tomaters (I'm not sure that'll read how it sounds in my head, but I know what I mean, even if you don't.)

A sea of okra, the last of the figs, and itty bitty tomaters.

One of the prettiest eggplants I've ever seen.

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