Time flies! It's already time to say goodbye to Guatemala... I leave for the city tonight, then fly early tomorrow to Mexico City. To be honest, I'm not all that jazzed about it, simply due to fatigue of traveling. I never though I would say it, but I'm ready to go "home"! (However, due to the fact that I don't currently have an actual home, the U.S. will have to do.)
Images from an exhibition on "Desaparecidos" at the Spanish consulate, Antigua.
The past few days here have been made up of wandering aimlessly about the city, taking pictures of the endless quaint buildings, churches, and streetlife. It's a pretty chill city, good for food, people, and a more laid back atmosphere. And of course, there are those travel buddies you meet along the way. I spent the first couple days with Debbie, Joe (Canadian), and Justin (British), until they all had to go their separate ways to various other parts of the country. But no worries, because then I picked up Ben! A hostel neighbor from Berkeley (how fortuitous!), we've been carousing around for the past few days: book exchanges and food in Antigua, the markets in Chichicastenango on Sunday, more food and books.
Yesterday I also went up Volcan Pacaya, an active volcano about and hour and a half drive, then an hour and a half hike, outside of Antigua. A few people succumbed to the lure of the "taxis" (underfed horses) to get up, but I persevered! The hike was well worth it, and as we got to the top, the view opened up to massive, sprawling lava fields, some coming right down into the nearby farmland. We caught our first glimpse of the glowing red stuff, and made our way out into the lava. It was starting to get cold at the top, but I was finally glad to be wearing a skirt (the only alternative being heavy jeans, not fun while hiking in the rain) when some heat vents popped up below us to keep the chill at bay. After poking our wooden walking sticks into some of the closer glowing rocks ("rented" from kids for 1 Quetzal at the bottom), we ventured up to the active flows, where it was too hot to stand for very long. My shins started to get a bit burned as I oh-so-graciously videotaped an Aussie doing his best David Attenborough impression; the video is literally jumpy as I hopped from one foot to the other for 30 seconds. Most people's sneakers gave up the ghost while there, so they were forced to descend with soles flapping.
Franz and I on Volcan Pacaya, uncoordinated in our photo efforts.
Ben and I ventured outside of Antigua yesterday afternoon to stay at an amazing getaway called Earth Lodge, near Jocotenango. It's a small avocado farm (an obvious draw for me) that has dorms, tree houses, and family-style, and all-veggie dinners. It was heaven. I only wish we had more time to spend there! Veggie quiche, tzatziki, veggie pasta salad, garlic bread, and orange canela cake. With plenty more for seconds. Yum. Ironically, though, the avocados won't be harvested until next week. What a tease!
So that wraps up this portion of our hero's adventure. Now on to bigger (probably) and better (possibly) things!
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