sábado, 19 de julio de 2008

I have glimpsed the future, and it is bright

So today after wandering around a local market for a couple of hours on my own, I realized that I had some extra cash unexpectedly left over. So what else can you do but go back to the tarot card readers that you passed on the way in and have them tell you your fortune? A lady doesn´t usually shuffle and tell, but I´ll spill a few of the beans.

Of the mother-son duo doing readings, I got the middle aged son. After three decks and 20 minutes, I had found out that I will be happy in the near future; I´ll have a job by the end of the year but I won´t like it; I will be expected to cook and/or clean for whoever I´m staying with (Mel and John, is that you?); my next boyfriend will be moreno and will have money (sweet); my old boyfriend and his mother are mad at me (crap); and I should call my mother.

There were a few things that were less run of the mill, however I´m gonna keep those little gems to myself. It was money well spent.

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